Brief Introduction 職位簡介
? In charge of the finance and human resource affairs of property.
Major Responsibility 主要工作職責
? Prepare the annual budget and forecast and control the operation capital transfer;
? Keep good relationship with Tax Bureau, Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Statistic Dept. and accomplish annual inspects;
? Review the reports requested by our Group or Owner such as Final Settlement of Account, Financial Situation Statement and also send them these reports in time. Meanwhile report to Group and Owner the specifications about variances between budget/forecast and actual, the achievements of cost control and cash position;
? Support RM to monitor daily operational cost;
? Supervise, train and assess staff in the department and develop staff with potential;
? Supervise the day-to-day human resource task;
? 監督日常人力資源工作任務;
? Cooperation with the management staff to analyze problems and needs in order to achieve organizational effectiveness, project management and provide solutions and implement these solutions;
? 同管理層人員合作分析問題及需求以達到組織的有效性,并提供解決方法以及這些解決方法實行的項目管理;
? Responsible for human resources planning, recruitment, performance management, C&B and employee relations;
? 負責人力資源規劃、招聘、績效管理、薪資福利及員工關系;
? Keep regular communication with rank & file staff, help department/property to identify and resolve potential HR issues.
? 定期與基層員工進行溝通,協助部門和物業及時發現潛在人事問題并協助處理相關事宜;
? Be involved in any HR related programme and provide professional advice (eg. manpower out-sourcing contract, etc.)
? 參與到部門所有有關人力資源相關的項目當中,并給于專業建議.(如勞動力外包合同等項目)。
? Cooperate with other departments or other tasks.
Requirements 資質需求
? Degree or above.
? 大學以上學歷。
? With good management capability in finance. Soundness of judgment in accounting and tax affairs.
? 財務管理能力較